Bus Service

Our current routes service areas from Pacific Paradise to Peregian Springs and from Peregian Beach to Noosa and Tewantin. Routes change from time to time, so please let us know if you would like us to consider travelling to your area. Preference will be given to regular travellers. See our Bus Information Sheet for information on times and routes. 

Peregian Beach College operates daily bus services for student transportation to and from school. For parents' peace of mind, our well-maintained buses are fitted with GPS tracking systems to allow carers to see the actual real-time location of their child's bus via a smartphone app.


Casual Trip: $7

10 Trip Pass: $60

Term Pass: $45/week - must be paid in full at start of term

To check availability or make a booking, please phone the office on 54481722 or email bus@pbc.qld.edu.au

Please review our Bus Code of Conduct for further information.